Home Security Understanding IoT security risks and how to mitigate them
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Understanding IoT security risks and how to mitigate them

by biztrendz

Video, Internet of Things

As security challenges loom large on the IoT landscape, how can we effectively counter the risks of integrating our physical and digital worlds?

Imagine all traffic lights in a city turning green simultaneously, much like in Die Hard 4. Could a movie plot become a reality? Does it actually require a great leap of the imagination? While the Internet of Things (IoT) and its integration into critical infrastructure allow for improved efficiency and remote management, they also introduce new cybersecurity risks. When internet-connected devices are not properly secured, they can become entry points for threat actors. This might ultimately lead to scenarios that wouldn’t be too dissimilar from the traffic light scene in the movie.

Join the host of the Unlocked 403 cybersecurity podcast Alžbeta Kovaľová as she talks with ESET Senior Research Fellow Righard Zwienenberg about the complexities of IoT security. Among other things, they discuss the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) systems, explore the differences between consumer IoT and industrial IoT (IIoT), review major incidents that have affected critical infrastructure in recent years, and talk about strategies to protect our internet-enabled devices and systems. 

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