Home Sales 7 Crucial Closing Mistakes & Outdated Tactics, According to Experts
7 Crucial Closing Mistakes & Outdated Tactics, According to Experts

7 Crucial Closing Mistakes & Outdated Tactics, According to Experts

by biztrendz

Closing is the make-or-break step in a sales process. It can be finicky, high-stakes, frustrating, and every bit as essential as it is delicate: a moment that can trip up virtually any rep, especially one who’s just getting their legs in the field.

That’s why we here at The HubSpot Sales Blog — the shining beacon of truth, integrity, and boundless knowledge that sales professionals look to in these trying times — tapped some sales leaders for their takes on seven crucial errors you can make while closing.

See what they had to say!

7 Sales Closing Mistakes You Need to Avoid

1. Continuing to Sell After a Verbal Agreement

Matt Harrison, VP of Global Operations & Marketing at Authority Builders, says, “The biggest mistake anyone can make when closing a deal is to keep pushing features of a product or benefits of a service, even after a prospect has verbally agreed to make the purchase.

“When a prospect has indicated they‘re ready to sign on the dotted line, it’s important to speed things up and seal the deal instead of bombarding them with unnecessary information.

“Continuing to sell at this stage can appear overly anxious or even damaging to your prospect’s confidence in their decision. It could cause them to question their commitment, converting an easy win into a long process or, worse, a lost deal.

“Instead of doing that, you want to be straightforward and confident in closing the deal. For instance, when a prospect responds, ‘This looks great. I’m ready to move forward,’ your response should be simple and action-based like, ‘Glad to hear! I’ll send you the contract today for your review and signature.’

“This method conveys confidence in the product and respect for the choice they made. Resist the urge to ‘sell past the close’ — it’s not the moment to add more features or benefits. Rather, just give the next steps with intention and a little bit of urgency so they feel like it’s a smooth and professional process.”

2. Trying to “Overcome Objections” as opposed to

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